
本研究所の研究成果は、A) 研究論文、B) 論文形式よりカジュアルな解説文章、C) その他のコンテンツの3つのジャンルに分けて掲載しています。特にDOI付きでない内部論文については識別のため、APITナンバー(All Physics In Tokyo number)を付与しています。全てのコンテンツは「Read more」からご覧いただけます。各コンテンツの責任は各製作者(著者)に帰属します。なお、各コンテンツのタイトルや説明文はそれぞれの言語で表示されます。


Field Theory
Gravity-Electromagnetic Coupling for g-2
May 17,2024
We investigate the effects of gravity on the electron anomalous magnetic moment, $a_e = (g-2)/2$, within the framework of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). The application of the Dirac-based gravitational theory reveals significant electromagnetic-gravitational interactions, leading to second-order relativistic effects ...

Field Theory
Lamb Shifts in Muonium and Hydrogen Atom
August 29,2022
We present a new calculation of the center of mass (CM) corrections on the Lamb shifts energy in muonium (μ+ e− system) and hydrogen atom. It turns out that the good agreement so far obtained for the Lamb shifts energy between theory and experiment is seriously destroyed by the CM effects. This should give rise to a question...

Field Theory
Electromagnetic Interaction of Complex Scalar Field

August 28,2022
The complex scalar fields may interact with electromagnetic fields since one can construct the gauge invariant Lagrangian density. However, it is shown that the current of the scalar fields becomes gauge dependent, and thus the fields should not be physical observables. Further...


General Physics
August 3,2023
For a long time, a chain of mistakes have been made in theoretical physics. Even though it is neither interesting nor encouraging to explain the stories of wrong model calculations, it should be important to clarify underlying reasons as to why people made mistakes in their calculations...

General Physics
August 31,2022
The aim of physics is to understand nature. All the theo-retical models should be constructed so as to clarify physi-cal phenomena, and that is all. Therefore, any theoretical model should not lose its aim of understanding nature. At present, all the basic field theory models are quite normal, except the general relativity. The Einstein equation has no...

Relativity Theory
August 31,2022

Gravitational Theory
August 31,2022

Cosmology and Field Theory
August 31,2022
At the present time, the theoretical scheme in modern fundamental physics is al- most in the chaotic state, and therefore, it should be quite important for young people to find a physics textbook which can point to a right direction in studying modern physics...


Reading materials
August 31,2022

Reading materials
August 31,2022

Reading materials
August 31,2022

Reading materials
August 31,2022

Reading materials
August 31,2022
アインシュタインが20世紀初頭に発表した3編の論文は,物理学上の業績として偉大である事は説明するまでもない事である.特に,光電効果の仕事は物理学に極めて重要な影響をもたらした事は疑い得ない.当時 Planck が提唱し,しかし Planck 自身本当には信じていなかった量子仮説をいち早く光電効果を説明するために応用したセンスは際立っているし,アインシュタインが新しいアイデアと豊かな発想を持っていた事を如実に示し...